I am expecting guests, where can they park?
We understand that the limited guest parking in the community can cause problems. So if you do not have sufficient space in your garage or on your driveway for your expected visitors, you should contact the Board before their arrival for prior approval to park in non-designated parking areas.
The Board is very forthcoming in helping residents out in such situations as long as prior approval has been sought. However, if the system is abused the Board may not grant further permissions in the future to those concerned. Examples of abusing the system are:
- Asking permission to park in non-designated areas while using your garage as storage, a gym or a workshop.
- Repeatedly asking for prior permission for visitor parking in non-designated areas. The Board grants parking exceptions only for short-term visitors to the community and not on a long-term or repeat basis.
- Constantly parking in non-designated areas and once-in-a-while asking for prior permission. If you have been noted to be a frequent past offender it is unlikely the Board will grant you permission in the future.
You may ask for prior permission for guest parking in non-designated areas of the community by submitting the details on the Contact Form (48hrs noticed is advised).